Current Valley Conditions: Updated Tuesday December 10, 2024 at 22:00 PST
Sunrise: 08:01 | Sunset: 16:09
°F / in
Current Valley Conditions: Updated Tuesday December 10, 2024 at 22:00 PST
Sunrise: 08:01 | Sunset: 16:09
°C / cm
Snow Report and Mountain Conditions: Updated December 10 at 5:31 AM
- New:
- 0 cm
- 24 hr:
- 0 cm
- 48 hr:
- 0 cm
- 7 Days:
- 7 cm
- Season:
- 263 cm
- Base:
- 94 cm
Alpine: 1 °C
Visibility: Unlimited
Mid Mountain: 4 °C
Wind: Calm at 2 - 3 km/h from the SE
- New:
- 0 in
- 24 hr:
- 0 in
- 48 hr:
- 0 in
- 7 Days:
- 2 in
- Season:
- 103 in
- Base:
- 37 in
Alpine: 34 °F
Visibility: Unlimited
Mid Mountain: 39 °F
Wind: Calm at 2 - 3 km/h from the SE
Alpine Forecast
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 3:00:00 PM PST
A ridge of high pressure over the area continues a very slow drift eastward bringing variable cloud and mild temperatures, with a system starting to track south of the region late in the day tomorrow but no flurries currently expected until Thursday.
The system falls apart as it moves to the south on Thursday with only light flurries expected, with Saturday currently looking like the timing for the next more organized system that goes through.
Alpine Temperature: Low -2 °C
Wind light to 15 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1200 metres
A mix of sun and cloud with increasing afternoon sunny breaks.
Alpine Temperature: High 1 °C
Wind south: 10-20 km/h.
Freezing Level: 2000 metres
Cloudy with scattered flurries.
Alpine Temperature: Low -4 °C, High -1 °C
Wind southwest: 15-30 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1500 metres
Accumulation: 4-8 cm.
Mainly cloudy with isolated morning flurries.
Alpine Temperature: Low -6 °C, High -2 °C
Wind southeast: 10-20 km/h gusting to 40 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1000 metres
Accumulation: 1-3 cm.
Cloudy with flurries.
Alpine Temperature: Low -8 °C, High -4 °C
Mostly light ridge wind occasionally gusting to 60 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1100 metres
Accumulation: 5-10 cm.
Cloudy with scattered flurries.
Alpine Temperature: Low -6 °C, High -4 °C
Mostly light ridge wind occasionally gusting to 50 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1200 metres
Accumulation: 4-6 cm.
A mix of sun and cloud.
Alpine Temperature: Low -4 °C, High -2 °C
Mostly light ridge wind occasionally gusting to 30 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1300 metres
Cloudy with scattered flurries.
Alpine Temperature: Low -3 °C, High -3 °C
Wind south: 10-25 km/h.
Freezing Level: 1300 metres
Accumulation: 3-5 cm.
This alpine forecast is provided by RWDI
Valley Forecast
Tuesday December 10, 2024 at 16:00 PST
Increasing cloudiness early this evening. 30 percent chance of flurries this evening. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 2. Wind chill near minus 6.
A mix of sun and cloud. Wind up to 15 km/h. High plus 3. Wind chill minus 6 in the morning.
Snow or rain. High plus 1.
A mix of sun and cloud with 70 percent chance of snow or rain. High zero.
Cloudy with 70 percent chance of snow. High zero.
Cloudy with 60 percent chance of flurries. High plus 1.
Cloudy with 60 percent chance of flurries. High zero.
Increasing cloudiness early this evening. 30 percent chance of flurries this evening. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 2. Wind chill near minus 6.
A mix of sun and cloud. Wind up to 15 km/h. High plus 3. Wind chill minus 6 in the morning.
Snow or rain. High plus 1.
A mix of sun and cloud with 70 percent chance of snow or rain. High zero.
Cloudy with 70 percent chance of snow. High zero.
Cloudy with 60 percent chance of flurries. High plus 1.
Cloudy with 60 percent chance of flurries. High zero.