Whistler Weather Conditions

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Current Valley Conditions: Updated Tuesday October 15, 2024 at 02:00 PDT


Sunrise: 07:16 | Sunset: 18:44

Convert to °F

Valley Forecast

Issued: Monday October 14, 2024 at 16:00 PDT


Chance of showers
  • 8°C
  • 40%

Mainly cloudy. 40 percent chance of showers this evening. Low 8.


A mix of sun and cloud
  • 11°C
  • 4°C

A mix of sun and cloud. High 11. UV index 2 or low.


  • 8°C
  • 3°C

Rain. High 8.


A mix of sun and cloud
  • 9°C
  • 4°C

A mix of sun and cloud. High 9.


  • 7°C
  • 7°C

Rain. High 7.


  • 12°C
  • 7°C

Rain. High 12.


Chance of showers
  • 12°C
  • 60%

Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers. High 12.

Alpine Forecast

Issued: Monday, October 14, 2024 at 8:07:25 PM PST


Mainly cloudy.

Mainly cloudy.

Low 1 °C.

Wind southwest: 15-25 km/h.

Freezing level: 2000 metres.


Mainly cloudy.

Mainly cloudy.

High 3 °C.

Wind southwest: 15-30 km/h.

Freezing level: 2300 metres.


Periods of snow.

Periods of snow.

Low -3 °C, High 1 °C.

Wind southwest: 30-50 km/h.

Freezing level: 2000 metres.

Accumulation: 16 cm.


Cloudy with sunny periods and isolated flurries.

Cloudy with sunny periods and isolated flurries.

Low -6 °C, High -3 °C.

Wind west: 15-25 km/h.

Freezing level: 1400 metres.

Precipitation: Trace.


Cloudy with scattered flurries.

Cloudy with scattered flurries.

Low -6 °C, High -3 °C.

Wind southwest: 15-30 km/h.

Freezing level: 1500 metres.

Accumulation: 4 cm.


Periods of wet snow mixed with rain.

Periods of wet snow mixed with rain.

Low -3 °C, High 4 °C.

Wind south: 15 km/h gusting to 40 km/h.

Freezing level: 2600 metres.

Accumulation: 18 cm.




Low 0 °C, High 4 °C.

Wind south: 10-30 km/h.

Freezing level: 2700 metres.

Precipitation: 23 mm.


Cloudy with scattered flurries.

Cloudy with scattered flurries.

Low -3 °C, High -1 °C.

Wind light to 15 km/h.

Freezing level: 1600 metres.

Accumulation: 5 cm.


Sunny with cloudy periods.

Sunny with cloudy periods.

Low -3 °C, High -1 °C.

Wind northeast: 10 km/h.

Freezing level: 1700 metres.

This alpine forecast is provided by RWDI

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