Childcare, Babysitting & Camps

Time for a date night? Take a look at the services on offer then book some time to yourself while the kids are being entertained.

Babysitting & More

Service Description Contact
Babysitting Whistler

Babysitting Whistler are based in Whistler Village and offer a range of services for families with children, year-round. Nannies and babysitters are available to come to your accommodation during the day and in the evening.

  • Newborns to 14 years of age
  • Include indoor and outdoor activities that vary with seasons
  • Children's party activities and supplies
Whistler Core Fitness

The Core is a gym located in the Village with an indoor climbing wall and excellent programs for entertaining kids year-round.

  • Indoor and outdoor Guided Climbing sessions
  • Climb and Dine Evening Programs for ages 7 – 14
  • Suitable for all levels of experience, with supervision and lessons from friendly guides
  • Reservations recommended
Baby's on the Go

Baby’s on the Go is a baby equipment rental company serving Whistler. It provides quality service and rentals to your hotel, condo or chalet.

  • Essential baby gear including cribs, strollers, high chairs, toys, car seats, and more
  • Delivery and assembly service is available
  • Save when you reserve one of the special Mountain Baby Packages

DFX Kids Bike Park Lessons and Camps

The Whistler Mountain Bike Park DFX Daily Kids programs are among the best in North America. Under the guidance of experienced coaches, there is no better way for your child to experience the thrill of mountain biking in a supervised and controlled environment. The kids camp program offers lessons that will provide your children with the fundamental foundations to the sport, in groups that are suitable for any level of experience.

Learn more about lessons and camps.

Children exploring the Train Wreck Trail in Whistler

5 Young Family Adventures
in Whistler

A Whistler mom with three young kids gives us ideas for family-friendly, summer adventures you can do with your little ones.

Fun with the family in Whistler

Summer Itinerary:
Family Friendly Fun

You know what they say about families who play together? They are happier and healthier, and everyone has way more fun on vacation.

Summer Lodging Deals

Summer Lodging Deals
Save up to 20%

For the best rates on accommodation, plan a longer stay or consider staying midweek.