We’re partway through another awesome summer here in Whistler, and we’ve found a new way for you to check out just how much fun it is.

Our resident cinematographer and tech guru Brian Hockenstein has been out and about capturing wicked 360-degree footage of some of the amped-up activities on offer. Using a special rig with multiple cameras he’s put together a video that allows you to look around inside to see exactly how high, how fast and how far through the mountains these adventures can take you.


BRIAN HOCKENSTEIN CINEMATOGRAPHY. With thanks to Whistler Bungee, Superfly Ziplines, Wedge Rafting and The Adventure Group.

360 Video Viewing Tips

Desktop: Play the video, go to full screen and use the cursor to move around inside. Alternately, use the navigation circle in the top left corner of the film, or the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Phone or Tablet (Recommended): Load the video on your mobile device and the motion sensors in your handset will let you move the phone and look around like you are actually there. Pro tip – use an office chair to spin around for best viewing. Tell your boss it’s for work!

Virtual Reality Headset: If you so happen to have a viewer handy like Google Cardboard or Samsung Gear VR then throw your phone inside and marvel at the wonder.

If you are looking for a more chilled-out experience, check out our latest 360 video – Gentle Hikes, Amazing Sights.

If you think this is neat, imagine doing it in real life. If you’re inspired to get out and jump, zip, go UTV-ing or white water rafting in the beautiful Coast Mountains – Whistler.com can get you there.


Brian Hockenstein is a Whistler-based photographer and filmmaker who loves nothing more than spending time in the incredible British Columbia wilderness and sharing the amazing sights he sees along the way, whether through photography, film or emerging technologies such as Virtual Reality Video.